Camp Connect I successfully completed its fifth year by hosting 80 students on UCF’s Main Campus!
Originally created in 2012 by the UCF College of Engineering and Computer Science’s Office of Diversity and Inclusion, Camp Connect has been a part of the Center for Initiatives in STEM (iSTEM) for the past three years. This week-long day camp introduces rising 8th through 11th grade students to a variety of engineering disciplines such as Electrical, Computer, Industrial, Mechanical, Aerospace, Civil, Environmental, Construction, and Computer Science. Each year students participate in different hands-on activities, informative presentations, and exciting lab tours and this year was no exception!
Camp Connect II is for those students who have already completed Camp Connect I. From designing and testing bridge strength to building their own walking bots, our thirty high school students were challenged to think outside the box, test their own hypotheses, and work in a team environment!
Camp Connect would not be possible without the support from our institutional and community partners:
UCF College of Engineering and Computer Science
- Civil, Environmental, and Construction Engineering
- Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
- Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Industrial Engineering
- Computer Science
UCF College of Education and Human Performance
UCF CREOL, College of Optics and Photonics
UCF NanoScience Technology Center
UCF Library
Florida Solar Energy Center
IEEE at UCF (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
AIAA UCF (American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics)
ASME at UCF (American Society of Mechanical Engineers)
UCF Society of Optics Students
UCF Alpha Pi Mu
Visit our Initiatives in STEM Facebook page to view photos and more!