The FEEC will not be held in 2024. Please continue to check back for future updates and opportunities!
About the FEEC
K-12 STEM teachers, administrators, practicing engineers and other (informal) educators from across Florida involved in and/or interested in learning more about STEM education are welcome to attend the conference. Activities for the day include:
- Speakers representing the education sector and STEM professional organizations and industries
- An industry panel to include senior STEM administrators from corporate agencies to discuss the importance of STEM to the future workforce
- A series of concurrent interactive and hands-on workshops
Registration for the FEEC is closed. Thank you for your support!
Presenters and co-presenters: Please click on the button below and enter the password sent to you via email to submit your presentation materials and biographies.
FEEC History
The College of Engineering and Computer Science has hosted the Florida Engineering Education Conference (FEEC) at the University of Central Florida since it began in 2006. An event that has been described as unique in the state of Florida, the FEEC strives to bridge the engineering workforce and the academic sector through a series of workshops, hands-on activities, and networking sessions. In 2014, the topic was broadened beyond the typical engineering disciplines to address a more comprehensive STEM agenda.