Student Programs
iSTEM Sponsored Opportunities
Camp Connect offers broad exposure to a variety of engineering disciplines, including: electrical, industrial, mechanical, civil, environmental, aerospace, and computer science. Camp Connect immerses students in engineering integrated activities and provides tips on how to prepare for a college degree! For more information, visit:
GLAMPing (Girls Leading and Making Program) offers rising 6th and 7th grade students the opportunity to engage in the hands-on experiences of an engineering makerspace while leadership lessons provide them with the skills necessary to be STEM leaders of tomorrow. For more information, visit:
Summer Institutes are intensive programs for gifted and high-achieving students who have an interest in learning the foundations of Computer Science or advancing skills in Competitive Programming, Mathematics, and Geo Explorer (GIS). The programs offer a mix of activities designed to maximize learning through hands-on, individualized instruction with outstanding instructors. For more information, visit:
Other UCF Opportunities
Laser & Photonics Camp offers rising 10th – 12th graders interested in physics and/or engineering an opportunity to learn more about creating the future using light. Lasers. Autonomous Vehicles. Video Game Displays. Medical Imaging. Fiber Optics. The Internet. Photonics makes these things, and much more, possible. CREOL, The College of Optics and Photonics, will provide hands-on experience as students explore this exciting field of science. For more information, visit:
The Health Leaders Summer Academy (HLSA) is sponsored by the University of Central Florida College of Medicine, Office of Access, Belonging & Community Engagement. It is an immersive, educational summer experience for high school students (10-12th) who have a strong passion for pursuing a career in one of the allied health sciences or medicine. The goal of the HLSA is to support students from low-income groups to plan their future educational goals in their areas of interest and connect with healthcare professionals from diverse backgrounds and specialties. The program presents opportunities to learn about health-centered education tracks and programs at UCF, tour university campuses and facilities, and engage in activities designed to increase interest, awareness and passion for healthcare and research professions. For more information and to apply, visit:
Teacher Programs
NSF RET Site in GIS at UCF will take place this summer through Citizen Science GIS at University of Central Florida. We are pleased to host the seventh year of our National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduates & Teachers (REU/RET) Site “Preparing the Next Generation of Scholars through Community GIS and Citizen Science.” Our program offers fully funded summer research experiences for eight undergraduate students and two K-12 teachers. Participants will also be invited to a fully funded ten-day fieldwork experience to Belize. For more information, visit: