Matthew Marino
Dr. Marino is a tenured professor, international leader, and proud member of the special education community. He has been helping students with disabilities and their families for more than 25 years. Dr. Marino is a principal investigator (PI) or co-principal investigator (Co-PI) on numerous federal and state funded projects, with more than 17 million dollars in continuous funding since 2010. His research involves technology design, innovation, executive function, and Universal Design for Learning. Dr. Marino’s most recent publications about Artificial Intelligence and Universal Design for Learning are linked here. He conceptualized and assembled a team to build Project RISE, the first map of special education teacher preparation programs in the United States. He is an active member and Co-PI of the National Center for Innovation, Design, and Digital Learning where he leads the technical alliance for the states of Maine, Idaho, and Washington. He also leads the team as principal Investigator at Inclusive Education Services, which provides on independent living and vocational preparation for individuals with Intellectual Disabilities aged 18 – 28. View more of Dr. Marino’s publications at his Google Scholar website.
Software research and development that can be used in secondary STEM classes
Implementation of intervention research using mobile devices
Educational video games as instruction and assessment tools