Noah Doukas
My name is Noah Doukas, I am a senior Civil Engineering major with an interest in construction and sustainability. I previously went to Palm Harbor University High School in Palm Harbor Florida.
One of my favorite classes so far at UCF has been my Fluid Mechanics class taught by Dr. Dennis Filler. The way water effects everything it encounters has always interested me, Dr. Filler did a wonderful job at making the topic even more interesting andĀ engaging. His real world examples made it easy to comprehend the material.
The reason I wanted to become involved as a STEM Ambassador is to inform the younger generation about the exciting and intriguing aspects of engineering. When I was growing up, I had some really inspiring teachers and mentors help mold me into who I am today, which I am forever grateful for. If I could make a similar impact on just one persons life by sharing with them what I am passionate about, then my contributions would be a success.
My hobbies outside of school include working out, playing basketball, thinking about entrepreneurial ventures with like minded individuals, and hanging out with my dog. These things keep me sane while working hard on my scholastics.