Isadore Nottolini
Hi, my name is Isadore Louis Nottolini, I go by Izzy. I am a sophomore here at UCF, I am currently majoring in biomedical sciences and planning to add a Chemistry minor soon. I am originally from a town a little outside Chicago, Illinois and I went to Saint Edward Central Catholic High School.
Chemistry was my passion in high school and I still absolutely love it. My favorite class at UCF so far was Honors Chemistry Fundamentals 1 with Dr. Erin Saitta. She created a really fun learning environment and all the concepts came pretty easily.
Using chemistry I wanted to pursue something in STEM and STEM Ambassadors seemed like a perfect opportunity and a great fit. My goal through this organization is to encourage the younger generation to get involved in STEM related topics. I wanted to show that although science can sometimes be difficult and confusing, there are also a lot of fun things that can be done through science.
As for what I have to say to those wanting to pursue a career in STEM, or even wanting to further their STEM knowledge, don’t get discouraged in your classes, science is supposed to make sense and if you think about something hard enough you will eventually figure it out. It’s also fun to make study groups and its a great way of meeting other likeminded people.
Lastly, just a little bit about me. I love the periodic table, I have it completely memorized. I love to think about normal everyday objects and look up and understand their chemical structures. I love movies and TV shows especially “It’s A Wonderful Life” and “The Office.” I also play a variety of sports like flag football, basketball, volleyball, and soccer with my buddies. I am loving my time here at UCF and I am excited for the beginning of my journey as a STEM Ambassador.