Uma Ramoutar
Hi there, I’m Uma Ramoutar! I graduated from Celebration High School in 2013; this fall marks my third year at UCF as a biology/anthropology major. I’ve always been a science-y kind of gal, so naturally, my favorite classes here at UCF are the biology ones. If there’s one thing I’ve learned, though, is that a good professor can change your entire perspective on a subject. A few semesters ago, I took Human Anatomy with Dr. Samsam. So far, he has been my favorite professor simply because he makes an already interesting subject a million times more interesting. Making it through his difficult class made me feel like I could accomplish anything! His class was one that got me excited about my field. In the STEM field, it’s easy to get discouraged or to feel like success is impossible. By being a part of the STEM Ambassador program, I hope that I can make a difference (no matter how small) in someone’s life. Whether it be helping someone with academics or just making children aware of the vast and ever-growing STEM field, I want to be involved. That, to me, will be more than satisfactory. I think it’s comforting to know that as a STEM major, you’re coming into a part of a community that will be there to help you whenever you need it. When I’m not studying, I love being outside. I love going out to try new things at new places, whether it be an activity or restaurant. I love being with friends and family. I can have fun anywhere!
If I can tell you anything, it’s to relax! In this field, you’ll always have obstacles preventing you from achieving your goals easily, but not from achieving your goals entirely. Strive for the best, but enjoy your life.