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Maren Tomcsak

Hi there! My name is Maren Tomcsak and I am a sophomore here at the University of Central Florida. I am majoring in Forensic Science and minoring in Chemistry. I graduated from Olympia High School, which is only about 35 minutes away from UCF. As of right now, my favorite class at UCF has been Introduction to Forensic Science because I really enjoyed exploring all the different disciplines of forensic science while listening to several guest speakers talk about their careers in this field. This class really helped put into perspective what careers I could see myself in, years down the line, with a Forensic Science degree. I decided to get involved with the iSTEM Ambassador program because I felt it would be such an incredible opportunity to share what I know and love about STEM with others, especially kids! It is an honor to represent UCF and to serve as a role model for them, sharing my experiences and offering assistance in any way that I can. I hope to inspire these kids to start thinking about their futures and to consider STEM as they begin exploring their interests. When I’m not swamped in homework, I enjoy spending time with friends and family, going out to eat, baking, watching movies, “Pinterest-ing”, and shopping.

Words of advice for STEM students: Really take advantage of your professors’ office hours. It is so important that you meet them and get your name out there, especially if undergraduate research is something that might interest you. Also, don’t forget to have fun in college!! STEM majors are very rigorous and require a lot of studying but its important to consider your health too. It’s a given that college is going to be stressful, but don’t let the stress to consume you. Make time for yourself too; relax and do something fun in between the studying!