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Jackie Witherell

HI guys! My name is Jackie Witherell and I am currently a fifth year Senior and one of your STEM ambassadors representing the Biomedical Sciences Department. I have had a passion for the sciences ever since I can remember and it is that passion that has led me on my journey to becoming an orthodontist. Growing up in a small town in North Carolina taught me how important it is to have community support and to help those around you. I spent most of my middle school and high school life volunteering and being active in various community organizations. Perquimans County High, although small, gave me my first opportunity in research. I was finally able to see how what I learned in my science classes could be put to use in an everyday setting. It was incredibly exciting for me, and only ignited my passion for science further. Since I’ve been at UCF, I have had nothing but great experiences with my classes. One of my favorites so far has been endocrinology. Learning about how one hormone can influence various other functions in the body is so interesting to me because you can predict diseases and health problems based on it. Being a STEM ambassador allows me to share my excitement and joy of the sciences to those around me. Through this program we have the opportunity to truly make a difference in a child’s life and ultimately, that is what education is all about. Aside from all of my schoolwork, I love exploring the outdoors and being active with my friends. I am a huge Disney fan, so you can usually find me there whenever I have some free time! I am currently applying to dental school and getting ready for the next step towards my career. I have never been happier in my life and I am so excited to see what the future has in store!

“All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them” – Walt Disney