2024-2025 SECME Guidelines
Theme: Energy is Everywhere!
- The 2024-2025 SECME Regional Competition will be hosted on the UCF main campus. Please refer to the FAQs for more details. Rules and dates are subject to change.
- Each school/organization may bring a maximum of 15 students to the SECME Regional Competition at UCF. Each student may participate in a maximum of 3 events ON SITE (mousetrap car, water bottle rocket, glider, bridge, egg drop).
- The minimum number of students that must be registered from a school/organization is 3.
- Click HERE to register for the SECME Regional Competition at UCF! (Registration opens in October)
National Events
The 2024-2025 National Guidelines are now available on the SECME National website.
Essay Competition
- Grades K-2 Illustration with 2 sentence caption and video explanation
- Grades 3-12 Essay with Works Cited and cover page
- Only 1 student per essay/illustration and maximum 5 essays/illustrations per school
- Entries submitted prior to Regional Competition (see Important Dates)
Mousetrap Car Competition
- Must have 2-4 students per team andĀ maximum 2 teams per elementary school or 3 teams per middle/high school
- Mousetrap car kits available at: Kelvin Mousetrap Racer Kit
- Engineering Notebook to be submitted as PDF prior to Regional Competition (see Important Dates)
- Presentation to be submitted prior to Regional Competition (see Important Dates)
- Video of car running only necessary for 1st place teams that proceed to the National Competition
- Train the Trainer Presentation (2017-2018): Mousetrap Car Construction Step by StepĀ
Water Rocketry Competition
- Must have 2-4 students per team and maximum 2 teams per elementary school or 3 teams per middle/high school
- Engineering Notebook to be submitted as PDF prior to Regional Competition (see Important Dates)
- Presentation to be submitted prior to Regional Competition (see Important Dates)
- Video of rocket launch only necessary for 1st place teams that proceed to the National Competition
- Past Train the Trainer Presentation: Water Bottle Rocketry – A Beginner’s Guide
Poster Competition
- Maximum of 1 poster per school submitted by an individual student
- Electronic PDF submission of poster and video presentation prior to Regional Competition (see Important Dates)
Local Events
The 2024-2025 guidelines for local events are now available!
Banner Competition
- Maximum of 1 banner per school
- Banners submitted at Regional Competition
- 2024-2025 Banner Competition Guidelines
Bridge Competition
- Must have 3 students per team and a maximum of 2 teams per school
- Bridges submitted at Regional Competition
- 2024-2025 Balsa Bridge Competition Guidelines
Egg Drop Competition
- Must have 3 students per team and a maximum of 2 teams per school; minimum of 1 student per team must be present to compete
- Entries submitted at Regional Competition
- 2024-2025 Egg Drop Competition Guidelines
- Drop Location
Energy Transfer Machine Competition
- Maximum of 3 teams per school and the competition is limited to 35 teams total (first-come basis)
- Must have 1 to 6 students per team
- Entries submitted online prior to Regional Competition (see guidelines and Important Dates)
- 2024-2025 ET Machine Competition Guidelines
- ETM Ideas and Resources
- ETM Run Example
Glider Competition
- Must have 3 students per team and a maximum of 3 teams per school; minimum of 1 student per team must be present to compete
- Gliders submitted at Regional Competition
- 2024-2025 Glider Competition Guidelines
- Important Glider Concepts
- 2024-2025 Glider Workshop Presentation
Math Competition
- Up to 3 students per team and a maximum of 5 teams per school
- 2024-2025 Math Competition Guidelines
- 2015 Test and Keys:
- High School
- Middle School
- Elementary School
*Guidelines page last updated 11/7/24
- Dates:
Opening in October
September 16, 2024Train the Trainer Workshop Registration Closes at midnight
– Email STEM@ucf.edu for registration details
September 21, 2024Train the Trainer Workshop
December 6, 2024SECME Regional Competition Registration Deadline
– Schools with student/team numbers must be submitted online
December 13, 2024Invoice Request Deadline
– All payments must be initiated with your bookkeeper
– $20 per student -
January 17, 2025Registration Fees Due
– Check must be in the office by 4pm
– No exceptions will be made -
January 21, 2025All team and student names must be entered/finalized by midnight
January 27, 2025Essays (all grade levels) and presentations (MTC and WBR, all grade levels) due by midnight via your account on the SECME registration site.
February 5, 2025Energy Transfer Machine submissions due by 5pm. See guidelines for details on how to submit videos.
February 5, 2025Poster and video submissions due by midnight. Please submit via your account on the SECME registration site.
February 7, 2025Emergency name changes due by 5pm (name changes may be requested via email only)
February 15, 2025SECME Regional Competition
– School/Team Check-in 7am
– Opening Session 8am
– Award Ceremony 2-3pm -
Dates and times are subject to change. Registered teams will be notified via email in the event of a change.